Algal oil
for shrimp feed

Discover how our latest research shows that supplementing dietary EPA & DHA with algal oil helps to achieve better shrimp health, welfare and nutritional quality while reducing industry’s reliance on finite marine resources.

Nutritious, Delicious and Sustainable Shrimp: Powered by Algae!

Improving Quality

Veramaris algal oil, the richest source of EPA & DHA, effectively increases the nutritional quality of shrimp without impacting taste or texture, making it a perfect choice for consumers.

Fatty acid deposition

The levels of EPA & DHA in shrimp tail muscle directly correlate with dietary intake. The more EPA & DHA in the feed, the higher the nutritional value of the final product.

Unchanged taste and texture

Importantly, replacing fish oil with plant-based alternatives including Veramaris algal oil does not compromise the shrimp's taste or texture.

Learn more

Read the study "Omega-3 EPA and DHA From Algal Oil Improve Pacific White Shrimp Zootechnical Performance and Nutritional Quality Without Changing Sensory Quality"

Meet daily EPA & DHA requirements with just one portion of shrimp!

Veramaris algal oil enriches the shrimp diet, resulting in shrimp that are more nutritious for consumers while meeting the minimum daily requirement of 250 mg of EPA & DHA.

Supporting Health

Veramaris algal oil supports shrimp health and welfare by elevating levels of essential Omega-3s EPA & DHA, which effectively bolster the shrimp’s innate immune system. Diets incorporating alternative ingredients, including Veramaris algal oil, demonstrate significantly higher survival rates compared to all other challenged groups.

Learn more:
Study replaces dietary fish oil with microalgal oil – Results show enhanced survival of challenged Pacific white shrimp

Fostering Sustainability

Veramaris is the world's first and only ASC-MSC certified microalgae oil, expanding the basket of certified ingredients and is eligible for use in ASC certified feed. Veramaris algal oil can improve shrimp health and welfare, supporting better farm performance while reducing the marine footprint of the industry.

  • Full Replacement Possible: Research indicates that fish oil can be fully replaced with plant-based ingredients, however, to restore the levels of EPA+DHA to secure shrimp health and nutritional quality, alternative feed ingredients like Veramaris algal oil are essential.
  • Marine Footprint Close to Zero: The complete replacement of fish oil with Veramaris algal oil reduces the FFDRoil to zero, effectively lowering the marine footprint of the industry while safeguarding shrimp health, performance and quality.

Partnering for Success

Explore how our collaboration with Skretting, Santa Priscila and Pacific Coral is setting new standards in shrimp aquaculture. Together, we are proving that innovative, sustainable practices can meet the growing demand for healthy seafood while avoiding increasing pressure on ocean resources.